id: descent-and-approach title: Descent and Approach meta: Learn how to communicate descent and approach instructions with ATC in Infinite Flight. order: 6 contributor: babacar,lucaviness,planegeek,tomthetank #

Descent and Approach #

Descent Communication Summary #

Step 1

: If the ATIS is active for your destination, tap on the airport using your Map or Mini Map, select the Airport from the list, tap “ATIS”, and then “TUNE”

Step 2

: Ensure that you have an “ATC Preferred” arrival (if they are listed) and an approach onto a runway that is currently in use for landing

Step 3

: Tap the Communication button and select the respective Radar frequency to make initial contact:

Facility Initial Radio Transmission When*
Center “Check In” Just prior to entering the white boundary on your map
Approach “Approach Request”** At or below FL180 and within 50nm to destination

*If you are with an active ATC facility, DO NOT change frequency without permission

**After “Approach Request” is tapped; select the airport, approach type and runway

"Check In" with Center

Step 4

: If you are in the cruise, 1 minute prior to your Top of Descent, send “request descent via [STAR]” (provided you have a STAR selected in your Flight Plan) to the Radar Controller

Request descent via

Step 5

: Once clearance is received, you can commence descent - check surroundings to make sure it is clear, use the Cameras and Mini Map to help you

Descent Clearance

Approach Communication Summary #

Step 1

: Provided an Approach Controller is active, the Center Controller will hand you over at a predetermined point (usually FL180 or 50nm to your destination) - do not change frequency without permission!

Step 2

: When you receive your frequency change (or other communication from the Controller), the Communication button will flash amber and the message will appear at the top of the screen, tap the Communication button to “Reply” to the message. If you were sent “Frequency change approved, good day” then there is currently no Controller active in your area - we recommend just tuning out of the current frequency by tapping “Tune out of [airport ICAO code] [facility]” and continuing en-route. If you have been handed off to an active frequency, it will give you two options, either “Send & Switch” (which will reply and automatically tune you to the next frequency) or “Send” (which will reply but you will then need to tune to the next frequency manually)

Reply to Handoff 2

Step 3

: Once tuned in, tap “Request Approach”

Request Approach

Step 4

: Select the respective airport

Destination Airport


: Add your destination airport as the last fix in your flight plan. That way, the airport’s frequencies will appear at the top of the list!

Step 5

: Tap on the approach type you would like to fly for “any runway” or select a specific runway and approach type

Approach and Runway

Step 6

: The Radar Controller will either instruct you to “continue as filed”, in which case continue your descent and own navigation; or to “expect vectors”, in which case, be prepared to receive vectors for the approach

Continue as Filed

Expect Vectors

Step 7

: Be prepared to receive vectors and/or altitude assignments at any time during the approach; tap “reply” and then promptly fly them

Receive Vectors

Step 8

: Once you are established and separation requirements are satisfied, the Radar Controller (at their discretion) will hand you over to the Tower Controller (if present)

Contact Tower

Descent and Approach Communication Table #

Below are all the ATC commands that can be sent to pilots by a Radar Controller and what pilots can request or respond with:

+++ Pilot to Radar Controller

Request/Message When to Send When Not to Send
Request Approach The pilot should request an approach if they want an ILS, GPS, or visual approach provided. In any other circumstance.
Request Flight Following The pilot can request this if they want to fly into their destination without receiving an approach. If approved, they are free to follow their flight plan and have discretion over their altitude. This service should not be requested after Checking In.
Request Radar Vectors If the pilot does not want an ILS, GPS, or visual approach, and they have not requested another service, they can request radar vectors. ATC will vector them onto a VFR pattern leg and hand them off to Tower/Unicom at pattern altitude. In any other circumstance.
Request Altitude Change If the pilot is within 1,000ft of terrain or is within 3NM/1,000ft of another aircraft, they should request this. ATC will check their surroundings and take action if necessary. The pilot can also request this if they want to climb past their initial cruising altitude. The pilot should not request this upon departure. Checking In gives the pilot discretion over their altitude.
Executing Missed Approach The pilot may announce a missed approach if they are unable to continue their approach. If going around, this should be sent to the radar controller upon contact. In any other circumstance.
Check In The Check In is primarily used with Center and Departure. Approval authorizes the pilot to follow their own lateral and vertical guidance filed in their FPL. The pilot should not Check In with approach. Instead, they should simply request an approach.
Request Descent via STAR The pilot should request this if they are 1 minute away from their top of descent (TOD) and have a STAR filed. If Radar tells the pilot to state their approach request, the pilot should not request a descent.
Request Frequency Change The pilot should request a frequency change if they wish to change frequencies and have not yet been given a clearance to do so. The pilot should not use this impatiently. Frequency changes will not always be given immediately.
Airport In Sight The pilot may report airport in sight if they can see the airport while on a visual approach. In any other circumstance.


+++ Radar Controller to Pilot

Instruction/Message ATC Intention Pilot Actions
Continue As Filed ATC would like the pilot to continue flying at their discretion. The pilot should continue as filed; all altitude changes and directional changes do not require clearances.
Resume Own Navigation ATC would like the pilot to navigate on their own. The pilot should continue to navigate at their discretion; all directional changes do not require clearances. All altitude changes do.
Speed at Your Discretion ATC would like the pilot to manage their own speed. The pilot may fly at any safe speed, following speed restrictions.
Maintain Present Speed ATC wants the pilot to maintain their current speed until told otherwise. The pilot should check their speed and maintain that until told otherwise.
Maintain Slowest Practical Speed ATC wants the pilot to fly as slow as is safe. The pilot should decrease their speed as much as possible.
Maintain Best Forward Speed ATC wants the pilot to fly as fast as is safe. The pilot should increase their speed as much as possible.
Adjust Speed to Follow Aircraft ahead. ATC wants the pilot to slow down to maintain separation with the aircraft ahead. The pilot should adjust their speed so that they are flying at or less than the speed of the aircraft ahead.
Please Expedite Altitude Change ATC wants the pilot to expedite their altitude change. The pilot should increase their vertical speed to descend or ascend expeditiously.
Amend Flight Plan to Include ATC Preferred STAR. ATC needs to regulate traffic flow. The pilot should add an ATC preferred STAR to their flight plan.
